Overflow from Patents.
Cigar-related Patents, Part II
A National Cigar Museum Exhibit
(c) Tony Hyman
1881. Hammerstein’s early cigar making machine.
1914. Hammerstein’s method of treating
stems to make them useful for filler.
1915. Hammerstein’s machine for stripping and booking (stacking neatly) tobacco leaf.
1915. Hammerstein’s machine for stripping and booking (stacking neatly) tobacco leaf,
second view.
1915. Hammerstein’s latest machine for making
stems useful for cigar filler.
1915. Hammerstein’s latest machine for making
stems useful for cigar filler, second view.
1915. Another Hammerstein machine for
preparing stems.
1915. Another Hammerstein machine for
preparing stems, second view.
1915. Hammerstein’s latest process for making
cigar bunches without binder leaf.
1918. Hammerstein’s apparatus for applying protective wrappers to cigars.
1918. Hammerstein’s apparatus for applying protective wrappers to cigars, second view.
1918. Hammerstein’s improved suction table.
1918. Hammerstein’s improved suction table,
second view.
1920. Hammerstein’s process of and apparatus for
stripping tobacco leaf.
1920. Hammerstein’s process of and apparatus for
stripping tobacco leaf, second view.